At Ambiance Dance we strongly believe both exams and competitions prepare and develop your dancer to be the best they can be. We believe every child is a STAR and we wish to develop their education in all facets of dance allowing them to gain recognisable qualifications.
We find that children who participate in examinations each year gain confidence and learn important life skills such as learning to concentrate in an examination environment which assists with their school examinations and other similar situations. Participating in examinations also gives them a goal to work towards and an opportunity to receive an independent assessment of how they are progressing technically, ultimately developing the best technical dancers possible. We offer examinations in the C.S.T.D syllabus and have the ability to enhance your child’s education and future qualification by now being able to offer Certificate I, II, III and IV in dance in addition to Certificate IV in Dance Teaching & Management along side the practical components of your child entering the studio examinations. Students in years 11 & 12 now have the opportunity to use their CSTD exam qualifications as part of their WACE score. This enables them the freedom to maintain their dance schedule through years 11 & 12 confident in the knowledge they are enhancing their WACE achievements. Please see attached links for further information or contact Tania directly on 0419927270.
Ambiance believes competitions are an integral part of developing children’s performance skills in the dance industry. Competitions give your dancer more performance experience throughout the year. Being a part of the Ambiance Dance Competition Team involves troupe work, solo’s and duo’s/trio’s really creates a sense of belonging for student as they work as a team. Students develop and reach their full potential at a faster rate by doing solo work.